FUT hair transplants
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) delivers permanent, natural-looking results that are indistinguishable from your existing hair. This method enables the extraction of a greater number of grafts from a limited donor area.

“It was much easier than I thought it was going to be, I even went home on the train without problem and I'm very pleased with the results so far at 12 months.”

A note from Dr. Rogers, hair transplant surgeon
“FUT Surgery has an important role as a procedure being offered to patients with certain types of hair loss. FUT is an ideal option for patients who keep their hair long, those who are considering unshaven procedures with extensive loss and those with a larger graft requirement.”
What is a FUT hair transplant?
In FUT surgery, a thin strip of hair is removed from the back of the head from which individual grafts are taken and implanted into balding areas. It delivers natural-looking results that are indistinguishable from your existing hair.

A member of the surgical team will trim or shave the areas required for the procedure. The surgeon will administer a local anaesthetic to ensure you feel no pain or discomfort - this will take effect within a few minutes. We can also administer a mild sedative to relax you if you’re anxious about surgery.

Once the donor area is numb, the surgeon will use a scalpel to remove a thin strip of skin from the donor site before carefully stitching it up, resulting in a subtle linear scar.
After marking the areas where hair will be implanted, your surgeon will begin creating tiny incisions to facilitate graft placement at a natural angle. Grafts harvested from the strip of skin are then carefully implanted into these incisions by the surgeon and their team to ensure a natural final result. The surgeon will then carefully inspect the recipient area under magnification to ensure that the grafts have been implanted successfully.
We’ll provide you with aftercare materials and medication, and your surgeon will walk you through your aftercare instructions so that you feel confident and comfortable looking after your scalp in the days and weeks to come. We find that most of our patients wake up the following day without any significant pain or discomfort.
Why choose FUT surgery?
If you require a larger number of grafts, have previously had FUT surgery, or have tight curls or Afro-textured hair, FUT surgery could be ideal for you.
FUT surgery is suitable for all types of hair loss, and is ideal for those with moderate to extensive hair loss.
This method enables the extraction of a greater number of grafts from a limited donor area.
There's no need to shave the donor area with FUT surgery so it’s ideal for those with longer hair.
Our surgeons have conducted over 8,000 successful transplants
The hair growth journey

10 -14 days
You can go back to your normal routine.

6 months
Fuller hair regrowth will begin and you’ll start to notice results.

12 to 18 months
By now you should start to see the full results of your transplant.
How much does FUT surgery cost?
At MANUAL, we are on a mission to create pricing transparency in the hair transplant industry, whilst delivering the highest quality results. Our prices are based on the size of procedure you need to achieve the results you want, not to maximise the cost of your transplant.
All of our transplants cost between £4,000 and £7,000
Learn more about pricing
General FUT frequently asked questions
On average an FUT hair transplant usually takes between 6 to 8 hours depending on the graft requirement.
You should be able to return to your normal routine 10 to 14 days after your FUT surgery depending on your lifestyle. You may resume gentle exercise from week 1 and more strenuous exercise from week 2 following surgery.
All of our hair transplant procedures are performed by our highly accredited surgeons. Although they are highly skilled members of the team, our technicians and surgical assistants will never harvest any follicles or create the incisions into which the grafts are transplanted. They will assist the surgeon in graft placement once the surgeon has created the incisions, which is a safe, recognised role for surgical assistants in the UK.
There may be some minor pain, swelling, and itchiness for a few days post-surgery but this will subside and is easily managed with the medication provided in your aftercare package.
There's no need to shave the donor area with FUT surgery so it’s ideal for those with longer hair. If there are existing hairs in the recipient area we sometimes trim these to facilitate graft placement, however, this is usually not necessary. You won’t need to shave your head prior to surgery, our team will trim your hair on the day if required. We recommend waiting for 2 weeks before getting your first haircut following surgery.
Other hair transplant methods
Following your surgery we’ll prescribe a tailored selection of medications to prevent infection and alleviate any potential discomfort. We’ll also offer you prescription hair-loss medications to enhance and maintain the results of your hair transplant into the future.
Antibiotics to minimise the risk of infection
Antihistamines if required, to reduce scalp itchiness
Painkillers to reduce discomfort post-surgery
Steroid tablets may be prescribed to reduce swelling
Minoxidil to stimulate continued hair growth
Finasteride to minimise future hair loss
Complementary follow up appointments